Few things to keep in mind while selling your car in the UAE during Covid 19 crisis.
Self-Protection: While selling your car during covid-19
Follow all government guidelines when traveling outside of your home in your car.
Use Facemask and Gloves at all times.
Selling your car during covid-19
While using your car
1. If possible, sanitize your car door handle before entering your car (this is an extra precaution measure). If your car is parked in your own personal garage (close gate parking) then sanitation of the car door handle can be ignored. But if you park in a public parking, then you should sanitize your car door handle before entering your car. You never know who might have touched your car door handle while you were away.
2. Once you are a location where you plan to sell your car:
Make sure the car inspector or car buyer is using a face mask and gloves.
Don’t be afraid to ask if he has sanitized his gloves just before he intends to inspect your car.
If at a company location, you can avoid riding along with the inspector (better stay safe). But if you are selling to a private person then you can choose to drive along with the buyer. Ask to make the driving distance as short as possible.
PRECAUTION: Keep a hand sanitizer in your car just in case you would like to sanitize anything that was touched by the buyer/inspector.
3. While signing any papers or coming in contact with anything while you proceed to do the deal, it a safe approach to take your hand sanitizer along with you.
Follow these steps and you can limit your exposure to the Covid 19 virus and help protect yourself and others at the same time. Stay safe
Here is a good article written on policybazaar.ae regarding further protecting yourself while driving in the uae under “Covid-19”.